Thursday, February 27, 2014


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Digital Tattoo
          During my previous technology class, my teacher used a very vivid term “Digital Tattoo” to represent digital reputation of one self. It is an expression of an individual, highly visible and hard to remove. Therefore, people should be very careful what kinds of information and data they want to share on the Internet. My teacher also showed the class how easy people could search others’ information via Internet. From address, age, family members, profession or income, people can get the information right away.

Searching Myself
After my teacher showing all those, I feel so insecure being in this cyber world. My personal information may be exposed on the Internet already and I even not know who will have my information. However, after searching myself on the Internet, I was released that I actually do not have much information on the Internet. I only could find my twitter account information. I think one of the reasons is I seldom share my personal information via Internet. Moreover, I just a little tomato, and have limited online social network.  

Data Mining
After searching myself on the Internet, my classmate and I also searched one stranger’s data via Internet which was assigned by the teacher. During data mining the stranger, I found that it was not easy to get information as our teacher showed us. Even though he was a “Tech Person”, we only could find a few of his data, such as  his age, address, twitter account, profession, education and career background, some names of his relatives, etc. Moreover, we need to pay if we want to get more personal data and background. The whole process was quite frustrating, my classmate and I checked out numbers of websites and we only could find limited information related to the person.  I wonder the reason we could not get much information is because of our limited data mining skill or just because the person we were dataMine did not disclose much his information on the Internet. No matter what, that was a very interesting experience and helps me more cautious with internet security.

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1 comment:

  1. It seems as if you were still able to find a lot of information on your stranger!
